Sunday, 20 February 2011

Death to Children?!

Since the beginning of video games children dying and/or killing children were a gaming faux pas. No company did it and absolutely no company did it intentionally. There have been mods here and there that allowed you to do this in various games such as Fallout 3 for PC but even games such as Grand Theft Auto kept younger pedestrians out of the picture all together.

This all recently changed when a Polish developer called Techland released their new CGI trailer for the game Dead Island. In this trailer it starts with a young girl no older that 14 laying lifeless on the grass (pictured above) followed by showing her falling multiple stories (the trailer in chronologically reversed).

Techland has decided to take this faux pas head on to render some controversy and buzz about their upcoming game. But with controversy there comes good and bad criticism about the new trailer, some find it deeply disturbing and others cant wait to play the game. One argument was when the young girl fell to her death she was 'infected' and no longer human which makes it 'ok'. Others don't care and think this video is an abomination and should be banned from all media outlets.

The trailer is still only CGI and a stretch from what the game will actually look and play like in the finished product. But with video games getting more and more realistic is there room for this kind of violence or are we all prudes and need to get over the fact that they are just video games?

Update: after a 'lengthy' three days this video has garnered enough attention that it has been signed to a movie deal before the game is even released.

For the video: Dead Island Trailer

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