I am not a believer in New Years resolutions mainly because New Years is in the middle of winter and most people are too busy or un-motivated to actually maintain their resolution(s). I have witnessed failure too many times in my resolution(s), to the point of not making them anymore. This creates a short term goal void that I feel needs to be filled for more energy and drive in everyday life.
Now I have found myself breaking the mold, summer is sunny, full of possibility, and motivating. Why not make summer resolutions? That’s what I have found myself doing the last two years and am maintaining the trend this summer.
Two years ago I focused my summer on learning to ride a motorcycle and getting my license. It went so well that I ended up buying a Yamaha R6 and never been happier. To this day I still ride as often as I can.
One year ago I wanted to focus on enjoying my summer more and saving my money (due to the money pit fun that a motorcycle is). I also achieved this goal and have a lot more options come this summer.
This year I found that through the winter I had fallen into some poor trends. I stopped enjoying my days outside and almost entirely stopped pleasure reading. I don’t remember the last time I finished reading a book that wasn’t for school.
I tend to spend my nights before bed on Netflix watching B rate movies till early into the morning throwing off my sleep. I need a distraction something to get me wanting to be outside more often, so I bought a camera.
I had always been interested in photography but never pursued the interest due to other interests. This new hobby has me looking at the outdoors in a whole new light and motivates me to spend lengthy durations outside. I make time for photos and took the one at the top of this article.
If you have found yourself in a slump and seeing this sun outside as indifference I encourage you to take these steps:
1. Stop what you are doing in your day and relax for a minute.
2. Think about something you love to do but don’t get to do nearly enough.
3. Don’t say no or can’t and just do it, you don’t know if you like it till you try it.
So true! I am going to create my Summer list right away :D